Part 65: 09/01/09 - 09/10/09: Chaos Theory
So, it's that time again and whoo boy is September's alternative version going to be a long one. We have a looooot to do here!
We won't be seeing much from the plot-scenes, of course, since we've seen 'em all already and the changes are as always mostly minor pronoun stuff and that's basically it.

But, we'll still have a lot of stuff to do basically every day of the month so we'll start with Saori, I guess.

It'll be about things like how to take care of your books and reminders to return them before they're overdue...

At least, that's what I heard is going to go in it.

We should make it fun to read.

Yeah, I agree.

That's why Ms. Ounishi said she was going to look into other things that students would be interested in.

But it's far more likely that the ones who have to do the actual writing will be...

Huh...? Yes? Can I help you?
Gaudy Female Student: You can help me kick your ass!
> A female student barges in, with a furious expression...
Gaudy Female Student: Who the hell do you think you are!? Keep your hands off my boyfriend!

Gaudy Female Student: Don't play dumb with me!

Karaoke...? Oh, you mean Takaoka-kun?
Gaudy Female Student: ...You skank! You're the one who asked him out!

Huh? But he's the one--
Gaudy Female Student: Ma-kun told me all about it! He said you seduced him!

Gaudy Female Student: Don't give me that shit!

As bad and bland and boring as Saori's link is, at least something happens that gives it some measure of... a thing happening, almost. Sorta feels like more than what Yuko has had.
Gaudy Female Student: You so much as say hello to my man again... you're goin' down.

It's a misunderstanding!

N-No, it's okay!
Gaudy Female Student: Seriously... Keep to yourself, bitch.
> The girl leaves...
> The few students currently in the library keep their distance and look away...
> ...The students hurriedly leave...

I'm sorry you had to see that...

I don't mind at all.

Mm... Thanks.

I... did have some ulterior motive of my own, after all.

I thought it'd be nice to have a friend around my own age...

Did you like Takaoka-kun?

...No, unfortunately.
> Saori smiles weakly, her eyes shining with tears...

But it'll never work out, and I can't do anything about it.

Why can't it work?


I've never mentioned it to anyone else before...

It's so nice to be able to talk about it...

I could never tell anyone...
...Is it also Kenji...? God, that would probably be the worst. Rio ruined being awesome by being into Kenji. It'd make Saori actively unlikable.
> Saori smiles weakly...
> You feel like you understand Saori a little better now...

...Let's go home.
> You did your duties in the school library committee and left school with Saori...
Anyway, since this is September 1st, Aigis gets a uniform and will be coming to school. Remember that? Felt like it was a lot more than an in-game month ago, to be honest.
Iwatodai Dorm
But after that scene, we'll talk to Ken because, well, this IS Portable...
> Ken seems a bit nervous...

Wanna get some food?


...W-With me?


> Ken seems hesitant about going out together with you...
Since Fuuka now requires Courage 2, Ken is the replacement for the Courage 6 requirement. Technically means you can relax on it a bit more than before here, but eh, I wouldn't.
Warm Feeling

Th-Thanks for the food.
> Ken begins eating...
> .....
> ...He gradually begins to eat faster and faster...

Were you hungry?

Oh... Uh-huh, I guess so.
> Ken seems a little embarrassed...
> Ken resumes shoveling food into his mouth.
> .....
That's... honestly kinda weird. I get the feeling its meant to be more to do with seeing Ken out of his room, but, well, I know this link.

...Aren't you going to eat?

Of course I am!

Well, please do.

...I feel embarrassed if I'm the only one eating.

> Ken begins eating quietly...

...It's just not the same.

We never really went out to eat much... So I never knew what it was like.

I guess my mom was really good at cooking.

When I eat stuff like box lunches from the store, it just tastes horrible...


I... never told my mom that she was a good cook.
> Ken mutters to himself...
It's nice to see Ken get some early characterisation other than "the kid who lives with you" and "implicitly en route to becoming a hikkikomori". Just be nicer if it wasn't technically optional.

...Oh sorry. This is really good!

If you don't mind... I'd like to come here with you again.

Um, that is, if you have time...

I'll ask you out again.

Yes, I'll look forward to it.
> Ken laughs like a child...
> You feel that you've drawn slightly closer to Ken...
The Power of the Heart
So, uh, I can't decide whether I prefer Chihiro or Ken as the Justice link. Not because they're both good, no. No, no. Quite the opposite...
Warm Feeling

Um... I'd like some milk...

Large, please.
> You and Ken finished your dinner and returned to the dorm...
So, that's the first new difference for this month but Ken alone doesn't make this take significantly longer or anything.

But, hey, we also get Shinji joining the team immediately after. Nothing too fancy or anything here, mind.

This evening we'll just take Koromaru out on a quick walk, as we do.

This counts as just a normal spend time, since we don't have enough to get to 7 yet. Koromaru can find some stuff, though, and this is just a gift for datestuff. Probably won't use it unless it becomes absolutely necessary, of course.

And, oh boy, remember Fuuka is pretty different by sheer default here. Still got a fair bit to go for this version of the link.

Um... I-I don't want you to watch, so could you make something different?

I'm sure that you'll be able to make anything with your cooking skills.
> You should try making one of the sweets you've made previously...
Whatever we make here doesn't matter, so whatever.

Here, look, Kotone-chan.
> Fuuka presented you with something that looks round...
> It seems to be a rice ball made with flavoured rice.
> It smells good... You decide to try eating it.
> It's edible...
> The combination of ingredients and flavours is good, too...

H-How is it...?

You really did your best.

Huh...? Oh, yeah.


I thought that there would be no way I could mess up making a rice ball, so I did a lot of research.

The more I looked into things like what salt, seaweed to use, I got more and more into it...

I got so excited when I was doing my research, and even more excited when I was making them now.

I think because of that, I was able to make this taste good.

I wonder if this is what they mean when they say "cooking requires love".

...I'm so glad that you like it, Kotone-chan.
> Fuuka lets out a heartfelt laugh...
> You feel like you've gotten even closer to Fuuka.

All right, I'm gonna keep trying harder!
> You cleaned up the room with Fuuka and headed back to the dorm...
Hey look, Fuuka finally did a cooking correctly. Guess that means the link is practically over now!
4 more events? Pssh, sure buddy. Sure.

Anyway, we just started Ken's link so lets see where its going.
After School

> Ken begins eating the sweet-and-sour pork he had ordered...
> He carefully pushes the bell peppers aside to reach the meat...

You shouldn't be a picky eater.



Oh, sorry...
> Ken laughs feebly...
> .....
> Ken seems somewhat uncomfortable...
> Should you talk to him about something...?

How's school?

Um... It's okay.

I do all right on my tests, and I have people to talk to...

...It's nothing out of the ordinary.
> Ken sounds indifferent.

Do you watch TV?

I watch the news, at least.

Everything else is so boring.

The guys at school seem to like things like Featherman R, though.
God, ever since we came to this place we've never been able to catch anything more than the next episode PV and it sucks.

...It's an action program.

Last week, Hawk snuck into the enemy base and planted a missile guidance system.
See, Ken's better when he's being a kid rather than brooding and silent.

...Uhh, um.

...That's just what I heard happened.

I-I kind of... like action stuff.

...The movie was fun to watch.
> Ken falls quiet and begins eating again...

...Do you watch any TV shows?

I like action shows too.

Huh...? R-Really!?

B-But, you're an adult... and a girl... So...

...Oh, it's going to get cold.
> Ken begins eating to his heart's content again...
> You feel like you understand Ken a little more now...
> You finished your dinner with Ken and returned to the dorm together.
I sure hope Ken ate his vegetables fruit.

Anyway, let's keep going between SEES members I guess! Spending the next day with Akihiko.
Warm Feeling

How are you? ...Physically, I mean?

How about you, Senpai?

Huh? O-Oh... I'm all right.
> Akihiko seems conflicted...

It's just that... When I watch you fight...

I get... I don't know...

I feel... angry.

What should I do?

Oh, no... I didn't really mean it that way...
> Akihiko scratches his head, obviously troubled...

It's not so much that I get angry, but I get irritated...

Do I seem unreliable?

No... You're really doing a great job.
> Akihiko falls silent...




Never mind, sorry. Forget what I just said.

I mean, you're trying the hardest out of all of us. I shouldn't have said that to you.
> Akihiko sighs...

What's the matter?

...Sorry. I'm confused, myself...

*sigh* What am I saying...?

Deep down, I know why I don't want you to be fighting...

It's just that... I'm worried about you.
> Akihiko avoids your face and turns towards the ground...
> ...You feel like your bond with Akihiko has grown stronger...

> The two of you finish your meal without another word, then walk back to the dorm together.
Well, that got awkward in a hurry so what better way to deal with it than...

...To go running back through Tartarus to ensure the safety of this random woman who wasn't here before.

Then we beat up the Hermit, get some rewards from Kurosawa, etc etc.

And, hey, Shinji's here now. We've got links with everyone else in SEES so far... except Mitsuru and Aigis... so what about him?

Want to go for a bite?

...What, with me?


I don't know any fancy places, though.
No stat requirements for this one, mercifully. You'd think Charm 6 but nope there's no Charm 6 lock for Kotone. I dunno.
Warm Feeling

I like this place.

...You're an odd one.
Shinji smiling looks weird, because in vanilla and FES he has a grand total of 2 portraits. Here...?

Well, let's eat.

Watch the soup, it's hot. Phoooo...


What's wrong?

It's 'cause Aki punched me.

Sheesh, that guy's gotta learn how frickin' heavy a boxing champ punches...

Were you two training?

Haha, hell no.
> Shinjiro seems to be in a good mood...
...Some of Shinji's new portraits are jarring and weird and don't really fit at all. This is the most blatant about it, by far, though.

Well, we get in fights all the time. Just get used to it.

All right.

Yeah, thanks.
> Shinjiro looks slightly embarrassed and laughs...

But man, you're actually younger than him...?


We're lucky that you're such a reliable leader.
> Shinjiro talks in a way that sounds like he's mocking you, but you sense that he's being serious.
> You feel like you understand Shinjiro a little better now...
The Power of the Heart
So, this is it. This is one of the big, major, important changes for Portable. Shinji being a link makes it really, really easy to know which one is the best link in the game. And its this one. And it's not even close.
Warm Feeling
...Just a shame about the art, really.


That reminds me... I cut the inside of my mouth the first time he punched me, too.

I couldn't eat for a while because of that.

When did that happen?

...We were kids. I forget why.
> Shinjiro is laughing nostalgically.

*sigh* This just ain't gonna work... I'll have to wait until it cools down.
> You ate with Shinjiro, then returned to the dorm...
Oh and as an added bonus, Shinji's link ranks up every time we come hang out. How nice!

Speaking of hanging out, let's keep this combo going and spend Tuesday with Yukari. We're long past the point where any hypothetical mandatory date trigger would've happened, after all.

I've been into drinking it lately, and people have been saying that I've gotten cuter lately.

I mean, "Tell me more," right?
> Yukari laughs merrily...

I-I'm thinking about looking for a boyfriend.

You won't have a problem.

Y-You think so? Haha... I sure hope so.

I've been thinking a bit.

Finding someone to care for, and loving them with everything I've got...

...And even if I do lose that person someday, I want to be able to cherish that sadness, too.
Yukari, you uh... you're in high school. That's not likely to happen very soon or anything.

I mean, no matter how sad I'll be, my memories of being with them will never disappear.

It doesn't suddenly make the happiness I felt when I was with them a lie...

Heh... I swore that I'd never get married, but I'm surprised at how my mind's been changed so suddenly...

I didn't think it was possible to change that much...

Th-Thanks. I think it's because of you...
> You sense Yukari's affection...

I've always declined these offers before, so it feels kind of awkward to suddenly say yes now...

Hmm... But what do you do on a group date...?

...Oh, wanna come with me? I'll feel more reassured.
> You spent time chatting with Yukari...
Obviously, we won't be doing anything even remotely resembling that. Big shocker, right?

So, we'll definitely be spending every evening we can with Shinji. It'd be foolish not to, really.
Warm Feeling

Yes, I like eating here.

I see...

It'd be better if Aki ate here, too.

That guy isn't getting a balanced intake of nutrients...
> Shinjiro is sighing...

Oh, yeah... About Aki... In your opinion, do you think he's fighting well?

Yes, of course!

I see. All right, then.

You understand a lot more about fighting than me, after all.

...I'll leave it up to you.

Sorry. I know you're the leader, and I keep stickin' my nose in.

It's not that I don't approve of you... That's just how I am.

Back then, we were just fumbling our way through...

But your powers look like they're helping out a lot too.

I hope so...

You aren't confident?

...You really are trying hard.
> You can sense Shinjiro's serious feelings towards fighting and the other members of the group...
> You feel like you understand Shinjiro a little better now...


Is everyone eating a well-balanced meal like this...?
> You ate dinner with Shinjiro then returned to the dorm...
Gotta put an end to nothing but SEES folk eventually, so... I guess Saori gets to be the lucky person for that.

I wonder why.

> A female student enters.
> ...But she quickly turns around and leaves.

...She left.

I wonder... Is it my fault that nobody's come in today?

What do you mean?

> Saori smiles weakly...

No one talks to me, no one responds when I say hello...

They're not actually doing anything to me, so it's not like being bullied...
No, that is very much like that. So much so that it's the same thing, even.

It's just... everyone's being really distant to me.

...Oh, if they see you with me, they might start new rumors...

Let them talk.


Yeah... Thanks.

There's some extra space left in the newsletter I was talking about. Could you write up something really quickly?

Oh, yes.

But... What should we write about?

Is there anything you want to write about in particular?

...Not really.

Oh, really? Hm... What were those kids saying...?

What kids...?

I did some research into articles that I thought students would like to read about.

Apparently, love advice columns are very popular. Whip up some fake letters and answer the questions.

Love advice...?
It's a school newspaper. If it was trying to be anything remotely intellectual, no one would give a shit. Which is impressive, because even as is no one does either.

I'm counting on you two.

Oh, yes...
> Ms. Ounishi leaves...
> Saori pulls out something that looks like the newsletter manuscript from the stack of papers on the table...

...There's a lot of space left. Can we write that much...?

We'll just have to try.

Yeah, you're right...

Then, let's get to it.

Umm... Love advice...

What sounds like a realistic problem someone would have?

My boyfriend's cheating on me.

I-I see... So it's stuff like that.



Okay, I'll write the title and work on the layout. Can you write the article, Kotone-chan?


Thank goodness... I don't know anything about that sort of thing after all.


...Did you mean to say that?


Sorry, I just wanted to try cursing for once.

How did I do? Did I say that right?

No, not at all

Heh heh heh...

Ah... Hoo, that was fun.


Speaking your thoughts out loud... It's a wonderful feeling.

...That's what I thought when I was watching you.
I'm not sure how you got from there to here but sure. Keep on being weird, I guess.

I must've been envious of you...

> Saori smiles, and seems refreshed...
> You're not sure you understand Saori better, but you feel closer to her...

"I'm in a long-distance relationship, and I miss my boyfriend sooooooo much!"

...Does that sound believable?
> The two of you somehow completed the article for the newsletter, then you went back to the dorm...
We're more than halfway through Saori's link now, and it sure has gone back to being a link that exists. Yep.

So, let's round out today's activities with more Ken. We've probably seem him more in this timeline already than Makoto has in total.
After School

Oh... Could it be because we always come here so late?

If the rice was cooked around noon, I guess there's nothing to be done about it...

Want to come earlier next time?

Th-That's all right!

Oh, um, what I mean is... I'm just being shy.


I mean, you should be, um...
Well, I can easily do both...

I'm just happy if you have dinner with me like this once in a while...

Oh, what was that...?

There's something you put in that makes rice taste better when you cook it...


Ah, that's it!

It's so strange that honey makes rice taste better.
> Ken's eyes sparkle...

You know how people say that love makes food taste better?
Huh, odd that this is coming up here as well.

And, staying true to the basics is what's most important.

Did your mom teach you that?

Oh, no...
> Ken seems embarrassed...
Dunno why, Shoukugeki no Soma is insanely popular.

You... don't read mangas, right?

I read them from time to time.

Huh? Really?

B-But, aren't you an adult?

And you're a girl, too...

I just can't stop reading them...


I didn't know you were like that.

Um... I thought that you were a very strong person, so...
It's not like the two are mutually exclusive, y'know.


...I-I read them, too.

Um, there's this really cool manga published in this monthly magazine...

The main character's an alien, and he takes on the shape of people and animals to fight the bad guys...
I can't say I've gotten very far into God of High School, but I can believe it. That did happen like instantly with the weird hand thing and that one island and all.

And then, there was this village that was flooded by a dam that was built, and the dam got blown up...

And when the water went away, someone was alive in there, but the story ended before you know if it was a bad guy...

> Ken suddenly falls silent...

You must really like that series.

Um, well...
> Ken turns slightly pale...

I... shouldn't read stuff like that, huh?


It's stupid...

Can I borrow it next time?

> Ken sits silently...
> ... You decide to wait for Ken to speak up.

Oh... Thanks for the food.

Thank you very much... for coming here with me tonight.
> Ken tries to smile...
> You feel like you understand Ken slightly better now...


No... It's nothing.
> You finished your dinner with Ken and returned to the dorm together.
Yeah, uh, so we'll just take a quick break here before this gets too
long. There's still two-thirds of September left to go after all...